Digital health: challenges facing medical ethics

Mokhov AA
About authors

Kutafin Moscow State Law University

Correspondence should be addressed: Alexander Mokhov
Sadovaya- Kudrinskaya st., 9, Moscow, 125993, Russia; ur.liam@wal-mraf-dem

About paper

Funding: the publication was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (Project No. 18–29–14063 / 20 “Legal regulation of genomic research and the implementation of their results in medical practice”).

Received: 2021-08-02 Accepted: 2021-08-23 Published online: 2021-09-30

This article addresses problems stemming from the implementation and development of digital health in general and telehealth in particular. It focuses on ethical and legal issues associated with the progress of new information technologies and other technologies used in health care. The aim of the article was to define the role of ethical and legal norms in the implementation and development of telehealth. The analysis of the currently effective legislation, its application and lacunae in the regulation of new forms of social relations suggests the need to expedite development of legal and ethical guidelines for the implementation of new technologies in health care. Higher standards of data security for vulnerable groups of patients should be established in the legislation and ethical guidelines.

Keywords: information technologies, law, telehealth, technologies in health care, digital health, ethics, legislation