ISSN Print 2713-0894    ISSN Online 2713-0908
Medical Ethics

Dear researcher!

We appreciate your interest in our journal. We strive to make our collaboration productive and enjoyable for both parties, therefore we would strongly advise you to carefully read the Editorial Policies before you decide to submit a manuscript. We follow the standards of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors and cannot take the following explanations as strong arguments in case of a dispute:

  • I have been writing research papers for many years, never heard of such requirements before.
  • I have published a few works abroad; editors never asked me to do this!
  • I was taught differently!

Personal experience is really important but following professional standards is preferable. Unfortunately, those two sometimes disagree.

Below you can find a summary of manuscript requirements.

Title length — not more than 12 words.
Number of authors — not more than 9.
Paper Type Sections Number of characters in the article (title page and reference list excluded, spaces excluded). Number of Tables and Figures Number of references
Research study,
method or technique
Title page
Patients and Methods (Methods)
up to 20 thousands up to 6 up to 30
Clinical Case Title page
Clinical case presentation
Clinical case discussion
up to 10 thousands up to 10 up to 15
Opinion Title page
Main sections (free structure)
up to 10 thousands up to 2 up to 15
How do I submit a manuscript?
If your research is original, scientifically novel, complies with the principles of evidence-based medicine and is not a review article, you can submit it using the “Submit a manuscript” tab in your account upon registration. Requirements for the quality of submitted works are further explained in the Editorial Policies. For your convenience there is a manuscript template containing formatting and style guidelines available for download from our website. Prior to submitting a manuscript from your account, please read the full instructions carefully. Should you have any questions, please contact tech support:
Are there any specific documents I am expected to provide?
After your manuscript has been peer-reviewed and approved for publication, we will need you to sign the Author Agreement and the Conflict of Interest Declaration (should there be any) and to send the signed forms back to us. No cover letters are required. The editors may also request a copy of a local ethics committee protocol or other papers confirming the quality of your research.
When will my manuscript be published?
Within a month after submission, provided that your research work is high quality. We also offer online publication: once the final version of the manuscript has been reached, it is assigned a DOI and published on our website. No changes to the manuscript are accepted post publication. Once every two months the manuscripts published online over this period are gathered into an issue, with their DOI preserved and page numbers assigned. Authors can print their articles from our website before the issue is prepared; the printed pages will contain publication details.
Is the journal included in Scopus?
Only its English version, Bulletin of RSMU. Russian and English versions are identical in terms of content. Please note that English and Russian versions of an article will have different DOI and pages.