Ethical issues of the off-label use of drugs for treatment of COVID-19

Severova YaG, Teplova NV
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Yaroslavna G. Severova
Ostrovityanov ul. 1, Moscow, 117513, Russia; moc.liamg@ves.anvalsoray

About paper

Author contribution: Severova YaG developed the concept and the structure of the article, reviewed the literature and wrote the text; Teplova NV contributed to the article concept development, provided academic supervision, finalized the text and approved it before publishing.

Received: 2022-07-25 Accepted: 2022-08-26 Published online: 2022-11-29

The article discusses the issues related to the ethical aspects of the off-label use of medications for treatment of coronavirus infection, including in terms of conducting clinical trials of these medications. Furthermore, the article raises the issue of using drugs for treatment of coronavirus infection at the moment and discusses the related ethical principles. The major issue of this review is the ethical aspect of the search for benefits of using drugs not according to instructions in patients with emergencies and life-threatening conditions, such as COVID-19. The ethical role of the informed consent in both clinical trials and off-label prescription of drugs in general is also clarified. Several options provided in this review are proposed to address this issue.

Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus infection, medical ethics, off-label, use not according to instructions