Medical students in clinical training: ethical aspects

Deeva VA, Guseva EV, Demуanov VS, Isaeva PA, Polushkina MA, Ruck DM, Tihonova AS, Kim TG
About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Tatiana G. Kim
ul. Ostrovityanova, 1, Moscow, 117321, Russia; ur.liam@miknt

About paper

Acknowledgements: Aleksander G. Chuchalin for a conference in bioethics and presenting data related to the ‘Bioethics Library’, Elena G. Grebenschikova for participation in a student’s bioethics conference, consultation related to the topic of the article, and manuscript correction.

Author contribution: Deeva VA, Guseva EV, Demуanov VS, Isaeva PA, Polushkina MA, Ruck DM, Tihonova AS, Kim TG — all authors made equal contributions to the preparation of the text.

Received: 2023-10-31 Accepted: 2023-11-12 Published online: 2023-11-23

The article is devoted to ethical aspects of bedside training. Education of future specialists in the clinical setting is important to acquire knowledge, skills, professional competencies and to form clinical thinking. Transfer of professional medical experience occurs simultaneous to the development of communication skills which are required to deal with patients, their relatives, colleagues and mentors. It is about comprehension of how the normal standards of medical deontology are implemented in real practice and how important the effective therapeutic alliance is while interacting with the patient. Though bedside training is a long-standing tradition of medical education, the origins of which are associated with the Ancient Greek Healing Practices, it is not always understood and supported by patients and their relatives, and requires students to get more familiar with ethical standards regulating similar education and their behavior within a medical group and institution.

Keywords: bedside training, students in the hospital, bioethics in medical education