Respecting patient autonomy: voluntary informed consent in modern medicine

About authors

Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena G. Grebenshchikova
Ostrovityanova st. 1, Moscow, 117997; ur.ay@54akia

About paper

Author contribution: Research concept and design — Chuchalin AG; text writing and editing — Grebenshchikova EG

Received: 2021-02-12 Accepted: 2021-03-25 Published online: 2021-03-30

The article discusses voluntary informed consent as a manifestation of respect for patient's autonomy, which is determined by both legal regulations and sociocultural factors. This approach is considered to be the most influential in current bioethics. The authors review the main elements of informed consent, its specifics
in clinical trials and the autonomous choice criteria.

Keywords: informed consent, autonomy, voluntariness, principles of bioethics, clinical research