Ethical aspects of the informed consent during COVID-19 vaccination

Zorin KV, Gurevich KG
About authors

A.I. Evdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Konstantin V. Zorin
st. Delegatskaya, 20, b. 1, Moscow, 127473; ur.xednay@0001vkz

About paper

Author contribution: Research concept and design — Gurevich KG; text writing and editing — Zorin KV

Received: 2021-03-01 Accepted: 2021-03-27 Published online: 2021-03-31

The main tactics used for COVID-19 prevention should be both quarantine measures and the large-scale vaccination of the population. This does raise many ethical issues related to obtaining informed consent in biomedical research and clinical practice. The full and adequate ethical review of vaccination against the novel coronavirus infection can be provided only subject to ethical aspects of voluntary informed consent. Without that, it would be impossible to control the quality, efficiency and safety of the vaccine, and, consequently, the patients’ vaccination and its results.