The vaccine diplomacy in international relations*

About authors

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Yuri N. Sayamov
Leninskiye Gory, 1, GSP-1, Moscow, 119991, Russia; ur.xednay@vomayas.y

Received: 2021-10-10 Accepted: 2021-11-21 Published online: 2021-12-30

The author considers the phenomenon of vaccine diplomacy throughout history. The purpose of the study is to trace the history and modernity of medical cooperation in the field of combating infectious diseases, the role and place of “vaccine diplomacy” in international relations, and its development in the context of global health diplomacy. Historical- chronological and comparative methods were used in the work. It is stated in the article that a vaccine is the most powerful and effective medical intervention in the human body that enables to preserve its life and health. It is asserted that Russian vaccine diplomacy, continuing the traditions of the Russian civilizational code based on humanism and compassion, acts as an effective “soft power” that influences the minds and wins supporters with its attractiveness. It is concluded that for Russia, vaccine diplomacy, based on the remarkable success of domestic science, which has managed to develop and offer the world a highly effective vaccine against COVID-19, opens up new opportunities for many partnerships along the path of broader pharmaceutical diplomacy.


* The article was published in the materials of the III International Conference “The Life Path of Medicines: Simple and Complex Tasks”, Yaroslavl, October 21–22, 2021, https://clinpharmbook.ru/event/15

Keywords: vaccine, vaccination, vaccine diplomacy, global health diplomacy