Biological and social: two problems of human identity in the context of medical ethics

About authors

Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Dmitry N. Khristenko
Revolutsionnaya, 5, Yaroslavl region, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia; ur.liam@3891oknetsirhk

Received: 2021-10-07 Accepted: 2021-11-24 Published online: 2021-12-30

At present, the most important problems of medical ethics related to the issues of fair access to medicine and health care as the main human benefits are of particular importance. In this regard, the study of biological and social foundations seems to be especially relevant, allowing us to consider a person not only as a user of medical services, but also as a sense-m aking center, influenced by the value-driven norms and societal ideas. The aim of the study  is to consider the following two aspects of conceptualizing a person in medical ethics: his/her biological and social status. Dialectical method, system analysis, cultural and phenomenological approaches constitute the article’s methodological basis. Based on the discussion undertaken in modern scientific literature, these allow us to come to an understanding of a person in the system of medical ethics. It is noted that consideration of a person in the context of issues of medical ethics goes, first of all, in two main directions: first, the role of a person is revitalized in the process of choosing treatment methods and understanding the degree of risk associated with the treatment and prevention of his person as a biological being; the second is the immersion of a person, engaged in decision-m aking, into the system of values and traditions of society. It is shown that the second aspect is connected with the understanding of a citizen as a social being. Comprehension of a person should be undertaken through the study of his moral, spiritual, emotional, physical and biological foundations of being; at the same time, biological and social approaches should not act separately, but in unity, and lead to a holistic concept of man.

Keywords: health, healthcare, medicine, medical ethics, human, society, humanitarian knowledge, natural sciences, consciousness