The dynamics of quality of life indicators during surgical revascularization of myocardium

About authors

Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Marina V. Shereshneva
Revolutionary ul., 5, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia; ur.xednay@avenhserehs.m

About paper

Authors contribution: Shereshneva MV — conducting a survey, collecting materials, tables creating and description, writing a text. Ilyin MV — consulting on research, statistical calculations, writing a text.

Compliance with ethical standards: this study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Yaroslavl State Medical University. Voluntary informed consent was obtained for each participant. The survey for the adult population was conducted on a voluntary basis.

Received: 2021-10-09 Accepted: 2021-11-26 Published online: 2021-12-30

Coronary heart disease (CHD), being one of the most common cardiovascular diseases, has a negative impact on patients’ quality of life. The purpose of the work was to study the dynamics of quality of life indicators in patients with CHD during surgical revascularization of myocardium depending on the presence or absence of old myocardial infarction. 68 patients with CHD were examined, including 57 (83.8%) patients with old myocardial infarction (old MI) and 11 (16.2%) patients in the absence of old MI. There was a statistically significant improvement in quality of life, both in the physical and psychoemotional spheres, in patients with stable coronary heart disease including those with a history of myocardial infarction. No effect of old MI on quality of life in patients after myocardial revascularization surgery was observed.

Keywords: quality of life, CHD, myocardial revascularization