Ethical aspects of phytotherapy

Korotaeva MS, Sidorov AV, Tichonova IG
About authors

Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Marina S. Korotaeva
Octyabr avenue, 17D, Yaroslavl, 150040, Russia; ur.relbmar@aveatorokm

About paper

Author contribution: Korotaeva MS — data analysis, manuscript preparation; Sidorov AV — concept of publication, editing; Tichonova IG — data selection.

Received: 2022-10-22 Accepted: 2022-11-24 Published online: 2023-01-30

The review is devoted to safety issues of herbal medicinal products. Apart from the most known adverse effects such as allergic reactions and irritation ofmucous membranes, use of a number of herbal medicines results in hormonal disturbances, organotoxic reactions and CNS disturbances. The problem of intoxication is pressing in case of uncontrolled administration of herbal remedies, which is often accompanied by a carefree attitude towards them as natural and thus safe agents. This assurance is developed in the result of non-ethical advertising of dietary supplements in mass media. Finally, an important factor of safe therapy is comprehensive accounting of potential herb-herb and herb-drug interactions. The purpose of the article is to attract attention to a weighted attitude towards phytotherapy concerning its safety both in administration of traditional herbal medicinal products by doctors and during self-treatment bypatients.

Keywords: adverse reactions, phytotherapy, overdose, drug interactions