Organization of the social and psychological support service at a higher educational institution (by the example of the Yaroslavl State Medical University)

Startseva ON
About authors

Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga N. Startsevа
ul. Revolutsionnaya, 5, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia; ur.xednay@noavestrats

Received: 2023-04-19 Accepted: 2023-05-22 Published online: 2023-05-30

The article presents the rationale for formation of the social and psychological support service at a higher educational institution by the example of the Yaroslavl State Medical University (YSMU). The service is of particular importance, as the initial period of study at a university is associated with significant shifts, breaking of pre-existing stereotypes, stress, high anxiety and internal stress. This is a complicated stage of a human life, when not only physical, but also mental health of a person is finally formed, needs, motivation and personality of a future doctor are created, affecting the rest of the life. So, a higher institution is interested in the formation of a favorable educational and pedagogical environment, preservation and strengthening of students’ health, better effectiveness of education and quality of knowledge, and, thus, prevention of being expelled from the University. It should be noted that the need in this area development is confirmed by survey of students from the YSMU. The obtained results confirmed that the students were interested in the development of social and mental aid and support. It was the basis for creation of the Center for Social and Psychological Support at the University. According to the survey, the students need this kind of aid. Supply of students with practical aid, social support and support of mental health of students, and prevention of social disadaptation are the main problems solved with the help of professionals from the Center for Social and Psychological Support of the Yaroslavl Medical University.

Keywords: students, medicine, survey, social and psychological support, data research