Ethical aspects of creating clinical guidelines for practitioners

Dreytser ED1, Mudrova AV1, Pavlov ChS2
About authors

1 The First Moscow State Medical University of the Ministry of Health of Russia (Sechenov University), Moscow, Russia

2 Botkin City Clinical Hospital, Moscow, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Anastasia V Mudrova
Svetlogorsky proezd, 5, sq. 58, Moscow, 125476, Russia; ur.xednay@a.avordoom

About paper

Author contribution: Dreytser ED — search and analysis of literature, writing the text of the article; Mudrova AV — search and analysis of literature, writing the text of the article; Pavlov CS — development of the basic concept of the study, writing the text of the article, editing the text of the article.

Received: 2024-05-24 Accepted: 2024-06-16 Published online: 2024-07-21
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