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The attitude of young doctors toward patient-centred medical care
1 Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Moscow, Russia
2 Institute of Additional Professional Education of Social Workers of the Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of Moscow, Moscow, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Irina S Mylnikova
Ostrovityanova str., 1, Moscow, 117997, Russia; ur.liam@dem.trepxe
Author contribution: Mylnikova IS wrote the article; Shkolnikova EA and Mylnikova MA conducted the study and processed the results.
Patient-centredness is a relatively new proof-of-concept setting associated with the concept of quality of medical care, which gradually becomes a new moral standard of medical practice. We conducted a study of the attitude of the younger generation of doctors (graduate students and residents of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University and RUDN, 2024) towards patient-centredness. They were offered a questionnaire consisting of 21 questions on different aspects of patient-centred communication. 155 completed questionnaires were received. The answers indicated that many young doctors are familiar with the concept of patient-centred approach and practice patient-centred communication skills. At the same time, many people feel a lack of training in this area and realize their vulnerability in communicating with the patient. At the same time, the survey revealed paternalistic attitudes in more than half of the respondents. It can be concluded that young doctors need not only mastering the skills of patient-centred communication, but also a deeper study of the moral foundations of patient-centredness, which can be implemented within the training courses in bioethics, as well as while teaching clinical disciplines.
Keywords: patient-centredness, patient-centred communication, patient-centred communication skills, therapeutic alliance