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Amendments and additions to the World Medical Association declaration of Helsinki “Ethical principles for medical research involving human participants” [1]

Khokholov AL, Firsov DE, Sopetina DN
About authors

Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Denis Evgenievich Firsov
Revolutsionnaya str., 5, Yaroslavl, 150000, Russia; ur.liam@076003f

About paper

Author contribution: the authors made an equal contribution to preparation and writing the article.

Received: 2025-01-27 Accepted: 2025-02-19 Published online: 2025-03-13
  1. WMA Declaration of Helsinki. Ethical principles for medical research involving human participants. Available from URL:‑post/wma‑declaration‑of‑helsinki (дата обращения 19.12.2024).
  2. Millyum D, Vendler D, Emanuel’ ID. Pyatidesyataya godovshchina Khel’sinkskoy deklaratsii: progress i problemy, kotoryye ostayutsya. Meditsinskaya etika. 2014 g.; 2(1): 81–83. Russian.
  3. Khokhlov AL. Kommentarii k stat’ye “Pyatidesyataya godovshchina Khel’sinkskoy deklaratsii: progress i problemy, kotoryye ostayutsya”. Meditsinskaya etika. 2014; 2(1): 84. Russian.