Informed consent: from historic roots towards the red line of modern crises in infectious diseases

Kubar OI, Bichurina MA, Romanenkova NI
About authors

St. Petersburg Pasteur Institute, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga I. Kubar
Mira st. 14, St. Petersburg, 197101, Russia; ur.tsil@rabuko

About paper

Author contribution: Kubar OI — Historical and archival study and review of the formation and development of research ethics in Russia; analysis of the specifics of informed consent in vaccine research and development of an ethical algorithm for the control of emergency epidemic situations. Bichurina MA, Romanenkova NI — carrying out a complex of virological and epidemiological studies in the format of the WHO Subnational Laboratory for the Elimination of Preventable Infections.

Received: 2021-02-18 Accepted: 2021-03-20 Published online: 2021-03-31

Stages of the informed consent (IC) process, being the instrument for protecting the rights and dignity of the research subjects, ideology and essence development during the crises in medicine have been studied on the example of the infectious diseases. Special emphasis has been placed on the 100-year national history of the informed consent ethical and legal principles development. The review of information process content and logistic improvement (individual, public, delayed and broad IC) during vaccine testing and vaccination in emergency settings has been provided. Implementation of the WHO programmes aimed at eradication of preventable infections (polio, measles) illustrates the coherence of adherence to awareness-raising ethical standards with the success of epidemic control. The development of preventive vaccination ethical algorithm and the practice of its use during the epidemic crises have a significant predictive value for organization and control of using the vaccines during the pandemic.

Keywords: informed consent, history and development informed consent, IC in vaccine research, IC in vaccination for emergency reasons