Educating relatives of ICU patients for better compliance: our experience
1 Kazan State Medical University of the ministry of health of Russia, Kazan, Russia
2 Tatarstan Cancer Center, Kazan, Russia
Correspondence should be addressed: Iraida A. Grigoreva
Butlerova St., 49, Kazan, 420012; ur.xednay@rgaig
Author contribution: Saetgaraev AK - organization of school work, work with patients and their relatives, their physical examination, analysis of medical literature; Maksimov IL - research idea, legal advice to patients and their relatives on care issues, analysis of regulatory legal acts; Guryleva ME - ethical support of the work carried out, consulting on the conduct of clinical trials and statistical calculations, writing a text; Grigorieva IA - conducting a sociological survey, collecting materials, creating tables and describing them.