Formation of professional flexibility among pharmaceutical workers to increase effectiveness of professional interaction

About authors

1 Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

2 Territorial body of Roszdravnadzor for the Kostroma region, Kostroma, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Olga V. Zheltkevich
ul. Mamontova, 8, pt. 34, Yaroslavl, 150002, Russia; ur.tsil@amy.anihsen

About paper

Author contribution: the contribution of all authors was equal: literature analysis, study planning, data collection, data analysis, data interpretation, preparation of a draft manuscript.

Received: 2022-10-23 Accepted: 2022-11-25 Published online: 2023-01-10

The legislation of the Russian Federation in the area of regulation of a pharmaceutical activity has undergone changes aimed at provision of pharmacies with professionals having modern skills of an effective professional interaction.

Professional interaction (figure) means a process of indirect or direct interpersonal interaction of healthcare specialists with patients. This process is influenced by environmental factors. It includes informational, organizational and psychological components. The process is supported by informational resources and rational assortment. Professional interaction is provided using information needs of professionals and patients in the ergonomic space of interaction.

Pharmaceutical professionals performing an effective professional interaction have a sufficient level of professional flexibility. Professional flexibility includes flexibility of behavior, resistance to social changes combined with self-actualization, and ability to form long-term professional relations with a possible increase of the qualitative interaction level.

Professional flexibility can be considered as a ‘soft skill’ of pharmaceutical workers required for effective professional interaction under constantly modifying conditions of the professional environment [13].


A sample consisting of 345 pharmaceutical workers including 283 chemists (82%) and 62 pharmacists (18%) was formed to implement the method of empirical research of professional flexibility. The method included diagnostic tools used to examine the elements of professional flexibility [4, 5].

The study objective included examination of the professional flexibility structure and procedure of its formation.


The structure of professional results has been examined by us (table).

A control test with 30 tests to evaluate expertise was used to determine the level of a professional flexibility cognitive element. Specialized questions in the test were about pharmacology, pharmacotherapy, getting prescriptions, using medicinal preparations in various age groups, etc. There was only one answer to every question. All correct answers were summed up; their percentage in the total number of possible correct answers was determined. A score was awarded based on the scale. A percentage of correct answers amounted to 81.3%. The value corresponded to 4 points (‘satisfactory’).

The motivational value element was analyzed using the questionnaire by Mehrabian A. As a result, 43% of those interviewed focused on avoiding failure. A specialist who avoids failures reduces its activity to making less errors preventing effective interaction with collegues and patients. 30% of pharmaceutical workers are focused on gaining success. These specialists use a creative approach to the activity, they are ready to set and solve new tasks. It should be noted that 27% of pharmaceutical specialists lack a dominant motivation at all.

Certain psychological personality traits (communicative competence, emotional intelligence, conflict response type, level of emotional burnout) were determined while analyzing socio-communicative elements. Mean values based on certain characteristics were obtained.

The reflective element was estimated using the method to diagnose the level of reflectivity by Karpov AV. The majority of those requested (52%) have a mean level of reflection. It means that pharmaceutical professionals can hardly evaluate their previous activities with subsequent extraction of professional experience and it is difficult for them to form perspectives of their future behavior.


The study results indicate that it is necessary to form professional flexibility among pharmaceutical specialists.

Formation of professional flexibility is a process when personality measures of a pharmaceutical worker are transformed improving his personal and professional activity. A set of academic disciplines embracing various levels of professional education has been developed by us to achieve the objective.

The results of conducted studies and requirements to professional standards were taken into account while developing working programs, additional professional development programmers and programs of an educational activity.

Learning theoretical material and practical skills was assessed using the initial, current and final control and the original fund of typical means of assessment (testing, solving situational tasks).

A program of joint educational activity named ‘Prescription and dispense of medicinal preparations as an approach to professional interaction among healthcare specialists’ was developed based on the study results to improve cooperation among medical and pharmaceutical workers.

The activity will be carried out within the system of continuous medical and pharmaceutical education.

Active methods of education such as discussion, gamification (put yourself in the position of the opponent), and facilitation (enables discussion in a group) are planned to be used during the activity.

Depending on the level of professional education, the objective of disciplines and cycles was either to form the basis of professional flexibility, or shape its certain level.


As a result of the study, a position of professional flexibility was determined in the structure of interaction among professional workers. Professional flexibility elements were diagnosed. An educational trajectory regarding formation of professional flexibility among pharmaceutical specialists was developed considering the results of conducted studies and requirements of professional standards.