Developing the system of state control of drug quality through formation of competence centers in federal laboratories of the Information Center for Expertise, Accounting and Analysis of Circulation of Human Medicinal Products of the Federal Supervisory Agency for Healthcare of Russia

Galeev RR1,2, Lileeva EG2, Ryzhkova EA1, Galeeva EV1,2, Lezhnina NA1,2
About authors

1 Information Center for Expertise, Accounting and Analysis of Circulation of Human Medicinal Products of the Federal Supervisory Agency for Healthcare, Moscow, Russia

2 Yaroslavl State Medical University, Yaroslavl, Russia

Correspondence should be addressed: Elena G. Lileeva
ul. Popova, 24, Yaroslavl, 150010, Russia; ur.xednay@6002aveelile

About paper

Author contribution: Galeev RR — article concept, study planning; Lileeva EG — literature selection and analysis; Ryzhkova EA — data generalization, text writing; Galeeva EV — data collection, data analysis; Lezhnina NA — data interpretation, preparing a draft of the manuscript.

Received: 2022-10-20 Accepted: 2022-11-25 Published online: 2023-02-01
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