In the last 20 years, epigenetics has evolved into a relevant and rapidly growing area of science. Scientific achievements in this area stirred interest among representatives of numerous socio-humanitarian disciplines, creating discussions at the legal, philosophical, political, social, cultural, medical, commercial and other levels. Thus, epigenetics is an outstanding example of a modern trend towards interdisciplinary trials as it is becoming a ‘borderline object’ of different sciences. In this article, the author analyzes the unfolding discussions regarding assessment of ethical, social and legal effects of epigenetics. Representation of epigenetics in mass media and science has been considered. Particular attention has been given to the reasons for epigenetic antideterminism. The epistemic value of epigenetics offers a different perception of some fundamental concerns such as the nature-upbringingnurture dichotomy, appropriate social politics, in particular, in the area of health, ethical contradictions when assessing harm and benefit, collective and individual responsibility (especially parental one), and the issue of non-identity. The author notes that in spite of the potential of epigenetics in personalized medicine, the exceptional phenomenon of epigenetics should be treated with caution due to early stages of the research and insufficiency of empirical data. Unreasonable extrapolation of epigenetic regulation to the sociocultural life can result in false reductionist conclusions. Nevertheless, the author is quite optimistic about the perspectives of epigenetic studies.
Although legal regulation of genetic research has been steadily improved, it is still lagging behind promotion of genetic research, especially in the field of development and use of its achievement-based technologies. A distinct feature of this legal area is currently a higher dependence on ethics. This resulted in establishment of a special institution, an ethics committee, that unites the possibilities of ethical and legal expertise giving birth to numerous organizational and substantive issues. Some of them are reflected in discussions about the relationship between moral reflection and legislative processes, epidemiological status of bioethics, etc. For instance, in Russian literature there is a thesis that organization and conduction of ethical expertise is regulated much better than those of legal one and can be implemented within the current legal and regulatory framework. Meanwhile, a need for legal expertise in genomic research and genetic technologies is not inferior but even superior. This is confirmed by deficient legal support of many important decisions taken by the authorities and actions accomplished by research groups. The article reviews opinions of Russian and foreign scientists who provide different assessment of the role of ethics committees and their possible falling within law or ethics. The role and place of ethics committees in the system of rule-making harmonization and law enforcement are specified.
Continuous development of social relations implies the need in constant improvement of primarily legislative regulation so that it could adapt to the current realities in the society and country. This assumption is true both with regard to the legal regulation of the status given to participants of genomic research, as this relatively new area of social relations embraces both public, and private interests. In this respect, legal regulation should consider certain principles such as the balance of public and private interests, protection of human rights and freedoms, protection of sensitive data by the law, protection of the national interests, etc. Nevertheless, normative legal regulation of the status of genomic research participants in the Russian Federation is not complex in nature yet. Thus, it fails to result in development of this area of social relations and ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of the mentioned persons. It is necessary to settle the issue about the boundaries of the allowed behavior, rights, obligations, guarantees and liability of genetic research participants. It seems to be appropriate to develop a complex federal law about the legal status of genetic research participants in the Russian Federation. A general approach to arranging complex legal regulation in this field consists in systematization of the existing legal regulation considering legislative regulatory activity of the discovered issues in the field of using genetic technologies and conducting genome research. During the regulatory control, it is necessary to reflect common moral and ethical principles and standards of medical and genetic research.
Scientific development of 3D bioprinting is rapidly advancing. Bioprinting is expected to be actively implemented within the healthcare industry producing a revolutionary impact on transplantation. However, the innovative biotechnology involves numerous ethical and regulatory issues. Special attention is given to ethical issues associated with the use of embryonic cells, storage of personal data, obtaining informed consent, and peculiarities of clinical trials. The issues of safety and quality are reviewed. Equal access to technologies and use of biotechnologies to ‘enhance a human being’ are addressed. The issues of culture and religion are separately discussed within the context of this technology. It is stressed that as far as the issue of ethical estimation and legal regulation goes, 3D bioprinting can’t be completely assessed with the help of regular clinical trials or acting regulatory requirements. In particular, no suitable regulatory system or special documents regulating 3D bioprinting of tissues and organs and their subsequent transplantation are currently available in Russia or globally. Thus, it’s necessary to develop requirements to safety, quality and effectiveness of technological processes and end products obtained with the help of 3D bioprinting with the best interests of generally acknowledged human rights.